Lecture by Alexander Dobrovinsky | Kelia

Lecture by Alexander Dobrovinsky

Lawyer and collector Alexander Dobrovinsky started his lecture at the KELIA club about the famous Belgian artist René Magritte with the words: "Magritte lived boringly..."

"Magritte lived a boring life. Born. His mother died in the flood, drowned in a pond, and experts unanimously assert that this has greatly influenced his work, but I as a collector and researcher believe that this is nonsense. Then at the age of 13 I fell in love, got married, lived with my wife all my life. He died. No other events! - the lawyer and collector Alexander Dobrovinsy started his lecture yesterday at the KELIA club about the famous Belgian artist. - But I'll tell you, Magritte is the most interesting artist of the 20th century for me as a collector. Our Kabakov and Erik Bulatov grew up out of him. I was in New York recently - copies of all his apple works hang in the head office of Apple. In the first half of his life and creativity, he wasn't very successful. Dear Belgian artist became primarily in the U.S. market in the late 50's, it was associated with a new passion for wealthy people - regularly unloaded on the couch at the analyst, and in Magritte's paintings it was convenient to explain a particular psychoanalytic concept.

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